Yesterday we had to have some blood work done
on Smalls because his belly was showing
a sign/ side-a-effect from the steroids he has been on.
I was quite nervous to say the least.
If you don't know, my little guy has quite the history
of health problems...
And for only being 2, almost 2 1/2,
he has been through more than most 10 year old dogs.
GOOD NEWS today, they got the blood work back and
he is clear of any damage from the drugs...
and he is "okayed" to try a new medicine that is less harmful.
I'm just hoping that the new stuff actually works...
poor guy has been poked and stuffed enough with
every-what-which drug that you didn't even know
existed for dogs.
Please keep good thoughts for my Smalls as we
start the next leg of his treatments for his skin.
And that he continues to stay in good health,
i.e. no permeant damage done to his insides.
Thank you ♥
hugs and kisses,
Lauren and Smalls
Very happy to hear!